Thursday, June 12, 2008

No Air, No Air

This song was so overplayed that I pretty much died a little everytime I heard it. But, last night SYTYCD brought it back to life for me.

I agree with Nigel that it was the best dance of last night's show. I wasn't a Katee fan before (mostly over her Debbie Downerness right before the finalists were chosen) but damn!, girl's got moves. If she showed a little more personality and a little less tears, she could go pretty far.

Favorites (now including last night's performances):

- Courtney G. ~ I'm still a fan; she just looks really good dancing. I thought she was pretty good at the disco, and Gev dragged her down a bit.
- Thayne ~ Love, love, love him in the cha cha he did with Chelsea! They were douches and overlooked him IMO.
- Kherington ~ killed it, despite shedding feathers like a mofo.
- Twitch ~ killed it, despite having feathers shed in his face like a mofo.

- Katee ~ The slides she did in the beg. of the dance were reminiscent of Allison. Smooooth.
- Kourtni ~ Her theatrics were the best IMO, a lot of the other dancers looked like they were overacting, but I thought she was really good...for a giant.

God, I love this show.

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