Monday, October 29, 2007

Day of the LOCUSTS.

My head hurts.

When it rains it does indeed pour. After my summer of nothingness (didaly!), every day back at work is insanity. It's like the freaking Reaping is coming or something (and yet my project doesn't even open until July 2008!). I so can't wait to go to NY and not take any effin' phone calls. I got called 9 times in twenty minutes while trying to eat lunch today. To make matters worse, my stupid ass computer is on the fritz and keeps changing the meeting times of my work calendar. I think the push (in date) of the time change made everything go haywire. I'm about ready to blow my brains out.

Note: A phone is such a double edged sword. Sometimes, it must be nice to be Amish.

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