Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Boob Tube Round-up: 2007

I've come to the sudden realization that I watch so so SOOOO much TV. In fact, I'm sure it's an unhealthy amount of TV. Here is my current roster (in the list of Tivo priority):

Gossip Girl
America's Next Top Model
Project Runway
Grey's Anatomy
Pushing Daisies
Cashmere Mafia
Desperate Housewives
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Ugly Betty
American Gladiators
Beauty and the Geek
Brothers and Sisters
Nigella Express
Iron Chef America
The Apprentice

I plan on watching: Lipstick Jungle, The Return of Jezebel James, Pussycat Dolls 2, Top Chef, So You Think You Can Dance 3.

I'm backed up on: Smallville, Prison Break, Las Vegas, Bionic Woman, The Office, South Park, The Simpsons.

And people tell me I have to watch: 30 Rock, Friday Night Lights, Family Guy, The Wire, 24, Dexter, Mad Men.

It's a modern miracle that I don't have a third arm by now. I really should stop talking about that spider-baby because karma could be a biyatch.

If I had to give it all up though and just pick one show to keep watching right now, it would probably be "Chuck." I freaking love that show. Everytime I watch it, a smile just creeps across my radiated face. I really hope it doesn't get cancelled.

Monday, January 28, 2008

The New McDreamy

I'm sure I'm going to go to jail for this, but I can't resist posting this picture of my sweet Zac.

I swear if you looked up Dreaminess in the dictionary, this picture would be in it.

And no, he is not wearing any make-up in it.

All's Well that Ends (Not) Well

Just my end though.

Last week, I went on my annual trip to Utah/Sundance (probably my favorite trip each year) for some snowboarding, movies, and general relaxation.

I came home with a broken bum.

Luckily, I had already gotten in 2.75 days of boarding in before this unfortunate incident happened. Basically I got screwed over after colliding into a skier while coming off a lift (said skier and his friend sandwiched me for an improper dismount). My ass hit the ice and apparently severely bruised my coccyx because I could barely move after it happened. I really didn't want to be carried down the mountain in a stretcher, so I used my arms and dragged my body off to the side where I died for 15 minutes. I managed to get down the mountain but stopped for the remainder of the day. It hurt like a bitch so I took the next day off, but that night there was a huge ass snow storm and we got 10 inches of fresh powder. I couldn't resist going out again, so I bought a lift ticket. Yeah............when I got there I couldn't even strap myself in.

You really don't realize how much your ass comes into play in your daily existence. It's basically a constant discomfort unless I lay on my face. Driving to work sucks, watching a movie sucks, and worst of all, bending over sucks. I was at Starbucks today and this woman dropped her sleeve on the floor right in front of me. Like RIGHT in front of me. We both gave each other a look and basically I could tell she expected me to pick it up for her. I bent over part way (died a lil) and had to get up again without the sleeve. And because I didn't want to say "I broke my ass," I basically made up something about back problems. Not fun.

Besides the broken ass though, Utah was fantastic. If I could go snowboarding (sans injuries) everyday I would. I love love love it. And maybe if I ever stop being anal retentive about my car, I will even buy my own board and boots. My movie foray was also much more successful this year than the last. I got to see two films, and I actually really liked both of them. George A. Romero's "Diary of the Dead" and Sean Ellis's "The Broken" - two snazzy horror movies totally worth checking out.

Ok, maybe I'm starting to feel a little of the vacation blues after all...

Friday, January 11, 2008

What a Fox

So "Lost" is set to begin it's 4th season on January 31, once again returning to confuse the crap out of people all over the country. I have probably declared "Lost" as my favorite show to hit the air since "Buffy," and for those who know me, that's quite a tall order. Truthfully, I don't think that "Lost" is as good as "Buffy" was in its prime (skip season 6 and 7), but when it's good it's GOOD, and when it's not, you still get a Fox to look at.

Hot damn.

Sad Brown Dress.

I've been horrible at blogging lately but I think I'm going to pick it up again. Basically I wrote a post for X-mas break that I wanted to include pictures in, but have been too lazy to do so. Thus, it sits in my archive as a draft right now. Being the neurotic and sporadically systematic person that I am, I felt that I couldn't blog until that post was up because the others that followed would be in non sequential order. Well, to the hell with that.

Not much interesting happening as of late. I've been trying to catch up on my TV, as well as, juggle more sleep and prep for my trip next week. Mostly I've been doing the former. And by mostly, I mean I only.

In my travels though, I came across this great little moment. I don't know why I love it so much; I think it's the utter disdain in which Heidi delivers said moment to the contestant. It's as if she's just seen a Nun take a dump on a child. Or something to that effect. Nevertheless, it makes for a great line.

3:28 to know what I'm talking about.

I want it as my ringtone.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Walking in a Winter Blunderland

The holidays are over. And thus, it is time to slip into that state of great depression once again.

Well, not so much. The contrast between my break last year and going back to mundane normalcy each day was way too huge to handle. This year, I barely felt my break at all, so coming back to the daily grind hasn't left a huge gaping hole in my soul...yet.

Hmmm, let's do a little comparison of 2006 break to 2007 break.

Malignant cold? Check. Hawaii? Check.

Warm Sun? Nay. Alcohol? Nay.

And therein lies the problem.

My break was surprisingly sober this year, unless you count that horse pee Heineken Light that I had one night. Nevertheless, there were some fun moments.

Here is my Top 10 list of memorable holiday break instances:

1. Having nightmares because of THIS:

2. Getting all sunblocked out only to walk out of my hotel room to...

3. Attempting to make a "small" gingerbread house, only to come up with a big pile of ...

4. ...which didn't stand.

5. Spending 9 hours driving through the armpits of Southern California only to NOT get a new phone.

6. Getting over nine people to say the phrase "Randy, Salami, Slap" in one night.

7. Legitamitely winning a pt. by getting people to say "locusts," using the phrase "it rhymes with jocusts."

8. RY debuting his new hairstyle, inspired by Cameron Diaz ala Something About Mary...

9. Actually feeling like I was in the top 10% most ghetto at the Chris Brown concert.

10. Spreading the dangers of the ever potent penis fish.