Monday, February 9, 2009

Lost in Space

I do this every year. I get all excited for "Lost" to start back up, then get pissed when I realize that I don't remember jack shiite about what happened before and am totally clueless about what's going on now. It's like staring at a 1000 piece puzzle with only 647 pieces to play with...

Did I mention some of the pieces were jammed in backwards?

Anyway, I start to resent the show and almost consider quitting it (like I dropped "Heroes" ass - Fool me once...). But then there is enlightenment.

I have seen the light.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Let's Go to the Mall!

Recently I got hooked onto 30 Rock (FUNNIEST SHOW EVER.) on DVD, and because of that good faith I've given a few other shows a shot.

One of these is How I Met Your Mother, which isn't nearly as funny as 30 Rock but has a few choice gem moments of its own. Case in point:

The Mummy (Director) Returns!

This just became my 2nd most anticipated movie of the summer (HP rules.). Channing + Mummy = AWESOME.

Music is My Hot Hot Sex.

So I've decided that my dream job would be to direct music videos.

How cool is it that you can create a great piece of art and totally ignore normal film conventions like having a plot?

Plus, they just generally look a lot better.

Francis Lawrence is my idol!