Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
This Show is so Good "I Want to Sew my Ass Shut."
Ted: Chinese?
Barney: I don't like Chinese.
Ted: Indian?
Barney: I just said I don't like Chinese.
Ted: Indian isn't Chinese.
Barney: Weird meat, funny music, side of rice. Why are we splitting hairs?
Ted: Mexican?
Barney: I just said I don't like Chinese!
The episode made me think of Gertrude.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Bad Taste Bears
As we were going through, I started to realize that I've seen a lot of them. A lot a lot. This would probably amount to about 100 hours of pure crap.
It got better when a few of them were projects that I worked on. So more like hundreds of hours spent on swill.
Monday, September 21, 2009
What are the Odds?
Every season of ANTM I predict two girls who I think might win the competition. In the past I have won (w00t, Whitney!) and sometimes bitterly lost early on (ahem, Jessica of last year).
But never...have I lost BOTH of my picks in the first two rounds. In fact, losing your pick in the first round is hard enough (7.14%). But losing both of your picks in the first two rounds?! Damn near impossible.
I really should go to, or not go.
Eff you Tyra.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Bitch-streets Back, Alright!
Wish it wasn't such shiite quality...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Party in the I-N-G...lewood.
Though I may lament, sometimes I really love my job.
Like today, when I got to see Miley Cyrus perform a dress rehearsal for her upcoming concert tour.
Basically, it was a private performance for me and like 40 other people. FRONT ROW.
Two words: "Fully awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."
Monday, August 24, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Help Out My FB!
What is Wokai?
Wokai delivers an internet microfinance platform that allows individuals to provide Chinese microentrepreneurs with loan capital. Our organization acts as an intermediary in this process, transferring funds from contributors abroad to microentrepreneurs in China through our field partners.
Who does Wokai support?
A typical Wokai microentrepeneur is a female rural inhabitant, living on less than $1/day. Her microfinance loan, ranging from $150-$300 dollars, provides her with the capital to start a small business. Her business varies by location, raising sheep in a rural grassland or operating a small fruit stand in a city center.
With her income, she accumulates savings, which allows her to allocate money towards long-term investments like education and health. By the end of her loan cycle, she has experienced increased financial independence, bolstered self-confidence, and a strengthened sense of community.
Learn more and contribute today at
This blog post is part of Zemanta's "Blogging For a Cause" campaign to raise awareness and funds for worthy causes that bloggers care about.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
"We Barely Made It"
I don't know if 2:30 has ever had as much impact for me, but I went from an H to the LL - NO to weeping like a baby by the end of it.
It's 90% the music probably, but also 10% elegance and poetry.
This is so not my thing usually but I really dig it.
Not Another Failure to Lose a Girlfriend's Past

Not that it's going to stop me from watching the movie...but I digress.
The worldwide outrage (ok, just maybe me and 3 others) has descended upon this one-sheet! And this guy's the most vocal:
My personal three favs:

The tag on "A Family Affair" kills me.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Life is Beautiful
I would post the entire homage to the piece but it's got a debbie downer subject matter that my extremely superstitious self would rather avoid - today.
I'll post it tomorrow.
For now, I'll just enjoy this...
It's amazing where I'm standing.
There's a lot that we can give.
This is ours just for a moment.
There's a lot that we can give.
So close...
Monday, April 13, 2009
Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangster
On the bright side, it's nice to get some sort of record back. Watch your back WB...
"Congratulations!" (Stay till 10.)
Friday, April 3, 2009
Walk It Out
And sometimes I'm really wrong.
I've always resisted watching "A Walk to Remember" because everyone told me it was a bible thumper story. So despite my love for Mandy, I've avoided it like the black plague.
But wow, maybe I've just gone soft but I'm all over this movie. It stuck it's hand in my chest and squeezed the crap out of my heart...and tear ducts.
I could not be more bitter to not get Nicolas Spark's next movie (which has Miley in it!!!). Mother. Effin'. Coffeemaker.
Music of the Night
I was lucky enough to finally catch her in the states and she does NOT disappoint. Especially when she busted out Womanizer at the end of her act. So freakin' awesome.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Addicted to Weed(s).
So freaking funny.
Mary Louise Parker is a total MILF goddess.
Watch this effin' show so it stays on air!
Baptism By Fire.
I've never felt more pressure to learn faster to produce quicker and to be better than this week. And for some psychotic reason, I love it.
I'm sure I'm going to burn out in 3 months going at this pace, but man it's pretty fun in a super ass tiring way. I particularly can't complain for another month since watching Hannah Montana all day is something I consider far from being hard work.
I also feel my creative bottleneck slowly starting to chip away. Baby steps though.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Lost in Space
Did I mention some of the pieces were jammed in backwards?
Anyway, I start to resent the show and almost consider quitting it (like I dropped "Heroes" ass - Fool me once...). But then there is enlightenment.

Sunday, February 1, 2009
Let's Go to the Mall!
One of these is How I Met Your Mother, which isn't nearly as funny as 30 Rock but has a few choice gem moments of its own. Case in point:
The Mummy (Director) Returns!
Music is My Hot Hot Sex.
How cool is it that you can create a great piece of art and totally ignore normal film conventions like having a plot?
Plus, they just generally look a lot better.
Francis Lawrence is my idol!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Focus, focus, focus ... in every aspect of life. It's almost reminiscent of 2003 and my GYAT plan (Get Your Act Together), which, btw, I consider a success.
Don't get me wrong. I'm still going to party like a rock.
In fact, I might be rockier than ever, since if you're going to do it, focus and do it right.
For now, I'm just going to focus on healing my ass since I injured it again snowboarding. I love my traditional trip to Utah, but my traditional ass injury is no fun. I wonder if I have an extended vertebrae or something (a tail?!?!), because I seem to mess this part up a lot. The comforting part though, is that I'm not alone (Missouri loves company!), since I found a butt pad for snowboarders. I'm excited about said pad and can't wait to try strutting around the slopes like J.Lo.
This time around, I actually got to see three films at Sundance, all of which I really enjoyed (Art & Copy, Mystery Team, I Love You Phillip Morris). An awesome bonus prize was Rodrigo Santoro showing up with Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor to the Phillip Morris screening. Good grief, risking organ loss might be worth it to go to Brazil.
Ahh, tomorrow.
Jan. 20th. Big day in the world.
Big day in the life.