Friday, May 30, 2008

Trailer Trash: He's Just Not That Into You

I was really stoked when I first heard about this movie just based on the title alone. THEN I heard about the legion of stars that signed on (Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Connelly, Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Aniston, Ben Affleck, Bradley Cooper, Justin Long, Ginnefer Goodwin) and I was even more excited. Soooooo, I decided to try reading the book, and after about 10 pages I dumped it. It had a bunch of inane chapters like "He's Just Not that Into You If He's Cheating On You." I mean...really? You mean if he's boning some other chick on the side he might not be totally in love with me? LAME.

Anyway, the trailer isn't that impressive either, BUT they did end with a Cure song and since I am going to their concert this weekend, that gives them some bonus points. FRIDAY!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

"Sex? Yes Please!"

What started out as an effort to make my co-worker feel better during her crappy day, turned out making my day that much more awesome. Karma rules!

I've never been more jealous of a hand in my life.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm Chuck Bass.

And I love him.

BTW. Greatest. Show. Ever.

Charlotte - Like China, Minus the Raisins!

Oh Charlotte. I can't believe I actually survived the 96 hour maelstrom you thrust upon me. Much of it was self-inflicted, but honestly, there was too much you offered that I couldn't pass up. I blame your generosity.

If you are reading this, Friday, Saturday, Sunday should literally be read like Kip Pardue's Eurotrip in Rules of Attraction. Real Muthafuckinfast.

FRIDAY - 10AM landing (ready to party hardy): Brunch at Mert's (red velvet cake!), Car Bombing near the Old folks ("I swear it's chocolate milk lady"), looted the free goods at Speed Week (Meat Included! in those Microwaveable Mac n Cheese's), Go-gurt, Go-gurt, and Fizzy Go-gurt for miles, Eric McClure totally gave me a paper cut, double fisting slap-on Koozies!, $4 Mojitos and $7 Triple Shots, Walmart, ABC (it was like heaven on earth), Walmart, attempting the art of shot-gunning a beer, Andrea wins, Power Half-Hour (tasting the world), on to Mac's!, Tall Boys for $3, Meat is tasty tasty murder, jesus even the greens beans have meat and cheese in it, artieries closing, re-opening for sangria at Arpa!, more food, dessert I think, oh wait, someone ordered some pungent cheese, god damn it, my team is 30 points behind, ooo Kellie Pickler!!, annnnnnnnnd someone else will need to fill you in on the rest.

SATURDAY - 11AM (fighting through the pain), feels like I've been punched in the face, breakfast of free Cheerios and Orange Patron Liqueur, wow, definitely not meant to be drunk straight up, but the orange slice chaser was the tastiest thing ever, lunch at the Cajun Queen (just kidding, totally closed), Jackalope Jack's it is!, "your food fell on the floor, so it'll be 2 seconds", wait, that's totally not what I ordered, 2 more seconds, there we go, tater tots should be a breakfast staple, rafting at the National Olympic training center, like Knott's Berry Farm x 10, the bitch in front of me sucks assssssss and needs to shut her mouth, chillin' in lawn chairs overlooking the course with a Bud and Doritos (minus annoying seagulls), back to Ando's, showers, shots, shots, no more showers though, more friends!, who like to party!, Sunkist + Captain Morgan's = a tasty Creamsicle!, damn, Flaming Dr. Peppers are so delicious AND scary, because sushi is such good idea whilst drinking...sake, sake, and sake bombs (pounding it like "Hiroshima!" according to Rich), imbibing our waiter Brian, asking him out, totally had no clue we went to Buckhead Saloon, I am proven to be the worst fake ID'er EVER, long islands?, Jager bombs?, beers?, who in the hell is John Bolton and why does he not have any alcohol, the Hansel and Gretel Trail of Grapes leading back to floor 35, barefooting it through the halls, YouTube dance party, playing cupid, and passing the EFF OUT.

SUNDAY - 10AM (kill me now), punched in the face, and the stomach, creamy spinach and Tostitos salsa ought to fix that right up, take two on the Cajun Queen, spicy...this doesn't seem like such a good idea, it wasn't, dun dun dun, Rich bites the dust, cabbing it to the race, let me out!, Gumbo looks like gumbo on the way out, this mini-van is TOTALLY going to hate me, the world's biggest frat party, "raise your ti*s if you like ti*s!!", a 12 year old throwing up in the trash can, 3 waters....and a Miller (gotta love Ando), best seats in the world! effin' made money on this!, Lap 40... 80 zzzzzzzzz, walk it out, older gentleman and his drunken daughter...wait, that's SOOOOO not his daughter (or maybe it is), Jumbo grilled turkey leg, coffees, cheese turds, Bojangles!, 2 more Millers (Ando is my hero!) , back to the race, sweeeeeeeeeeet, a crash!, sweeeeeeeet, another crash, car on fire!, 600 miles is a lonnnnnnng time, lap 398...OUCH! bad beat, Tony Stewart gets robbed, make way through the swarm of people, just in time for late night dinner at Liberty Bell, wow, did I really not drink at Nascar? There's always Daytona...

MONDAY - By Monday, everything was chill, I think most of the alcohol had finally left the system and I had to catch a 5:00PM flight anyway. Grabbed some lunch at Penguins (heart attack!), which was featured on Food Network and took my 10 hour journey back.

As usual, I had a freaking blast. I'm probably going to spiral into depression though since I don't have another trip planned in sight which is slightly uncanny for me. I guess I can't really go anywhere since I managed to lose my passport along the way...

...I did get my license back though, so my days of going out aren't totally shot. Flirting with disaster.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Harder, Better, Faster...Smarter?

For some reason, the Get Smart ads crack me up. I know the whole idea of the suave, albeit, screw-up of a spy is nothing new, but Steve Carrell is really the pinnacle when it comes to confident stupidity. Hopefully it doesn't blow as I haven't been wowed by any of the summer movies so far.

Note: When did Anne Hathaway become so hot?

Monday, May 19, 2008

To Victory!

Here I am, stuck at work with just my boss at almost 9:00PM on a Monday night, and I couldn't be happier. The San Antonio Spurs just won Game 7 against the New Orleans Hornets, a feat that many thought they couldn't achieve. To be honest, I was one of them. Those effin' insects were a younger and maybe hungrier team, and they had a stellar home record. But they did it! My boys turned it out and we live to see another game!

The next series should be really interesting. I may lose a few years off of my life in the process so I'm not sure how many games I will actually be watching (a heart attack dangles on the horizon). The Lakers are a tough team and it is very likely that my boys may fall prey to their evil. Game on.


"Plus" 3 for Me!

Sorry for the "plus" pun but I couldn't resist, especially since I have been so awesome at this reality TV decoding of late.

Finally! Finally, I chose an ANTM winner correct! It only took me 10 cycles to perfect this art form, but I did it! Whitney won ANTM last week and she is the 3rd correct prediction I made, following Survivor and BATG. Granted, on Survivor I had to switch my pick at the half way mark (after Ozzy got the boot), but I still picked Pav to take it home despite 10 other folks trying to cloud my judgment. BATG was kind of given, but hey, I'll take these small victories.

This just leaves Stephanie from Top Chef to complete my reality grand slam victory. Go Stephanie go!

Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go

Get away from me Mr. Sandman!

He's been on my ass all day and I cannot for the life of me, shake him. I'm stuck in a perpetual stupor today, despite having a ridiculous amount of caffeine (3 cups of tea, and a large coffee). It's a miracle I'm not shaking like a salt shaker, instead I'm fighting the urge to just close my eyelids for a sweet second, really hard.

Maybe it's because I did not get to sleep in at all this weekend. On Saturday I woke up to get my car washed, prior to having brunch, and hauling ass to my haircut. Then I did the usual goofing around until 4am on a Saturday night.

Five hours later I met up with some people to find the elusive CA waterfall. On our travels, I ate shit on some unsteady dirt and basically scraped a 1/4 of my calf off. Since we had no first aid kit, I took Amanda's sage wisdom from She's the Man and rubbed some dirt in it. Then I caught a double feature before retiring around 1AM.

And now I'm a dead body.

Note: The Junk Punch revenge scheme is one of the funniest things I've ever heard of.

Friday, May 16, 2008

I Know Your Secret, Shel Wei!

So I had my second "celebrity" encounter this week at the local Starbucks today, a half block from my house.

I walk in at 7:30AM to pick up my Pike Roast and I see this tiny asian girl who looks awfully familiar. After I gawk for a few more seconds, it comes to me. It's Anna Wu from Chuck!

I think she noticed that I was staring because after we made brief eye contact, she turned to the guy she was talking to and kind of slumped into her chair and brought her hand to her face. Ok, honestly, was that REALLY necessary. It's not like I was going to be like "OMFG, YOU ARE ANNA FROM CHUCK! LET ME KISS THY GROUND YOU WALK ON!" Anyway, it was more puzzling that she was in my hood (I mean she might have gone to my HS for all I know, we all look alike), so I decided to Yahoo-stalk her once I got into work.

Well, Julia Ling is actually Shel Wei. And according to sources online she went to Temple City High School. She is actually my age and for all I know I could have played tennis against her at some point while we were in season. She also went to UCLA (an engineering major).

That is where our similarities end because she is now on TV making a buttload of money. She also got to meet Sarah Michelle Gellar while doing a guest stint on Buffy. Essentially, she crushes me.

BUT, I still wouldn't kiss the ground she walks on.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Cracks in Our Foundation

Since, I believe in educating the masses, I will let you in on a little secret:

Sake + Tequila + Vodka + Whiskey do not mix.

I found this out the hard way at a Kate Nash concert last night. Yes, Kate Nash.

I would like to tell you how good she was in concert, but honestly, I don't really remember. Nor do I remember unloading all over the table at Denny's afterwards. Or losing my driver's license.

Just another Wednesday.

Note: Katsuya is so LA it is ridiculous. Paparazzi outside and all. Dave Navarro sat right next to us. Awesome.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Let's Make Lots of $

What's going on? Usually the people that I want to win in reality shows get axed right away. But lo and behold, Tommy and Amanda won Beauty and the Geek last night, right after Parvati took the Survivor crown.

I guess it was no surprise that Tommy might win since he was a faux geek anyway. I hope the streak continues and Whitney brings it home tonight!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Stir the Pot! Stir the Pot!

Whoo hoo!

Someone that I actually wanted to win, finally WON Survivor!

It could have actually gone either way, since I liked Amanda too and really wanted her to win last season, but she always seems to self-destruct during the final jury interrogration. Once again, people found her out pour of emotions to be fake and gave the win to Parvati. At least Tootie's cousin didn't win...

Parvati played a risky and really smart game (in hindsight), although I ultimately think she won because the jury just didn't like Amanda's crocodile tears. People are super bitchy and take the game way too seriously; and ultimately, no one rewards the person who actually deserves it, they usually just give it to the one they hated less (for whatever reason). Totally unpredictable and frustrating, but so freaking fascinating.

This is my 15th season watching Survivor (I missed Africa, probably the only other season where the winner wouldn't have incensed me.) and I still get totally into it. I'm sure there's not a snowballs chance in hell that I will ever get on the show, but damn it, I'm mailing an app this season.

I think Parvati won me over with her whole black window and witch's brew analogies. The "stir the pot" shit was hysterical. Congrats!

P.S. Go Whitney Go!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sweating (Out) the Small Stuff

I did the Revlon Run/Walk for Women's cancer over the past weekend, and as much as I was dreading it (waking up early on a weekend, rainy weather, no effing parking), I have to say I felt spiritually rewarded during the whole experience.

It wasn't really the sheer volume of the event, although I was shocked at how many people there actually were, but it was more the interpersonal connection of seeing these people with various names attached to their backs of those that they were walking for who have or had cancer.

It was a good empathetic experience for me I guess, since I easily get wrapped up in my daily existence and freak out about the littlest things. It made me realize that, honestly, in the grand scheme of things, nothing really matters if you don't have your health (or more importantly, if my friends and family don't).

Eat your heart out Deepak Chopra.

This is the Business We Have Chosen.

The Godfather never ceases to amaze me with endless wisdom.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Add Insult to Injury.

So last week I found out that my former intern was going to be working on G.I. Joe. Appropriately, I was super jealous.

Then today I see this:

That biyatch got to meet Channing Tatum during this shoot. Just kill me now.

It's Good to be ALIVE.

My current state is reminiscent of Fall 2000. I have to say, this song is a step up in morbidity from "It's Over Now" by Neve or "Deathly" by Aimee Mann. Baby steps....

I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars

I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars

Look at me
Look at me
Hands in the air like it's good to be, ALIVE
And I'm a famous rapper
Even when the paths are all crookedy
I can show you how to do-si-do
I can show you how to scratch a record
I can take apart the remote control
And I can almost put it back together
I can tie a knot in a cherry stem
I can tell you about Leif Ericson
I know all the words to "De Colores"
And I'm Proud to be an American
Me and my friend saw a platypus
Me and my friend made a comic book
And guess how long it took
I can do anything that I want cause, look:

I can keep rhythm with no metronome
No metronome
No metronome

And I can see your face on the telephone
On the telephone
On the telephone

Look at me
Look at me
Just called to say that it's good to be, ALIVE
In such a small world
I'm all curled up with a book to read
I can make money open up a thrift store
I can make a living off a magazine
I can design an engine sixty four
Miles to a gallon of gasoline
I can make new antibiotics
I can make computers survive aquatic conditions
I know how to run a business
And I can make you wanna buy a product
Movers, shakers and producers
Me and my friends understand the future
I see the strings that control the systems
I can do anything with no assistance

Cause I can lead a nation with a microphone
With a microphone
With a microphone

And I can split the atom of a molecule
Of a molecule
Of a molecule

Look at me
Look at me
Driving and I won't stop
And it feels so good to be
ALIVE and on top
My reach is global
My tower secure
My cause is noble
My power is pure
I can hand out a million vaccinations
Or let'em all die in exasperation
Have'em all grilled leavin lacerations
Have'em all killed by assassination
I can make anybody go to prison
Just because I don't like'em and
I can do anything with no permission
I have it all under my command

Cause I can guide a missile by satellite
By satellite
By satellite

And I can hit a target through a telescope
Through a telescope
Through a telescope

And I can end the planet in a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust

I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars

I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hot Damn.

I was sorting through my photos the other day, and I realized I never got around to posting these pictures I took in Hawaii.

This one was taken around 1AM from my hotel balcony. No tripod.

This one is taken from the plane.

I have to say, I love my camera.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

(Mid) New Year's Resolutions

I'm having an annoying ass day(^10), so rather than vent and fester over matters that I have no control over, I will re-direct my efforts towards some self-improvement.

How totally zen and cathartic of me. *applause*

I never bother with New Year's Resolutions because honestly, who the hell ever keeps up with things for a year. But I'm feeling like I need a little more failure in my life so what the hell.

Goals for the rest of the year:

1. Run a mile in 10 minutes.
2. Read 10 books (20% done).
3. Write a paper longer than 10 pages.
4. Be able to "stand" on a surfboard 1% of the time.
5. Play one song on the guitar.
6. Watch "The Thing" (I've borrowed it for 2 years...)

I'm tired looking at it already.