Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Home ... Wrecking Ball.

This is just too bizarre of an incident not to blog on, and hopefully will be the only time in my life that I have to write on something like this.

So this is how my morning went.

7:00 AM Alarm goes off. Go and hit the snooze button.
7:10 AM Phone goes off. A 310 number that I don't recognize so I pick it up assuming it's work related. Silence on the other end. I hang up. Back to bed. =D
7:30 AM Phone rings again. I go and pick up again.

Me: Hello?
Crazy Bitch: Who is this?
Me: Ummmm, I think you have the wrong number.
CB: Is this E-----?
Me: No...
CB: Who is this?!
Me: ...
CB: Do you know N--- J------?
Me: Yes, he's my co-worker...
CB: *click*

7:45 AM Shiite. Late, run out the door.
8:15 AM Traffic. All commercials on the radio. Hating life.
8:55 AM Missed my turn into building because staring at picketers.
9:00 AM Bust a U.
9:05 AM Parking garage is filled with people who get to watch American Gladiators. Hating other people's lives.
9:20 AM Co-worker approaches me.

Basically, his crazy GF went through his phone in the morning and freaked out that he was trading calls with a number she didn't know on Saturday. He didn't have my number stored under my name in his phone so he mistakenly thought the area code was someone else and gave her that name. She has the nerve to still CALL the number to verify it...which, was unfortunately wrong. Chaos ensues.

Well, if she weren't so crazy she would have asked and found out that we were trading calls because we were WORKING on Saturday. Any how, IMO my co-worker dodged a bullet (they broke up). I really hope I don't get Single Asian Femaled now, though.

The worst part of it all. The bitch woke me up. TWICE.

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