Tuesday, November 27, 2007

So Fresh and So Clean

I really shouldn't be blogging right now, but I need a little bit of time away from work stuff before I blow my brains out. I apologize in advance (to my non-readers) if any of this comes across incoherent. I'm running on like 4 hours of sleep.

My taste in art has really changed over the years. I hate to sound so cliche but less is really more. I see current artwork (mostly movie posters) these days and the whole feathering together of heads and such look so nasty now. I think I used to like it because it was just more colors which automatically meant more fun. Now I look at it and it just seems like a clown threw up. Or Pollack took a shat. Or a clown shatted Pollack.

Regardless (or irregardless, for that matter), I am not into the whole visual montage thing anymore (sorry, LOTR). Clean and simple please. You can call it stark. You can call it boring. I call it striking.

Come on, how cool is this:

BTW, this show rules! Well, the first episode at least...

And awwwwwww, look at those saucer eyes.

Oh Wall-E. Sigh.

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