Friday, November 9, 2007


My new life, or lack thereof, requires me to be better at time management.

So, I've decided that I need to start setting goals or mini-deadlines for myself. The only problem with this is the actually keeping them part; and, since it's unlikely that I will, setting these things will probably just make me more stressed and frustrated than I was before. Boo.

I wish I were better at multi-tasking. Unfortunately, I'm the type that usually hones in on one thing and works on it with the blinders on. I can't even study and listen to music (with lyrics) at the same time, so it's doubtful that I will be able to balance my checkbook and watch TV. And yes, TV is definitely one of my tasks (my Tivo is exploding!!), though I wish they were all equally as delicious.

In addition, I have to constantly fight this unsettled feeling of wanting to party hardy. I guess it's normal since I'm in my early (omg, I'm going to wear that adj. out for the next 6 months) twenties and it's better now than 10 years down the line when it would be nearing inappropriateness (although with enough alcohol, it is forgivable). I just feel like you have the rest of your life to buckle down and be boring, so why not get your kicks in now when your body can most enjoy (or in some cases, handle) it. I'm sure I'm just rationalizing, but what the hell, it works for me.

Thus, on top of all of the pressure of my added duties (whether it be my own or others...zz.), I want to party like a rockstar. These conflicting feelings lead me to only one conclusion. Multi-flasking. It's the wave of the future.

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