Sunday, November 25, 2007

Plan to be surprised.

"The subject of plans. Life plans. How we all make them and how we hope that our kids make good smart safe plans of their own. But if we are really honest with ourselves, most of the time our plans don't work out as we hoped. So instead of asking our young people, what are your plans? What do you plan to do with your life? Maybe we should tell them this: Plan to be surprised." ~ Dan in Real Life

I watched Dan in Real Life the other day and I got this little ditty from the ending. Upon the second reading, it really isn't as profound as I initially thought it was. ......................SURPRISE!

I think its resonance at the time was just the way it was edited as a voice over at the end of the movie. I happen to love this narration technique that is growing ever more popular. In fact, I think that's what makes shows like "Desperate Housewives" and "Grey's Anatomy" so awesome. Most people really don't stop and think about what they are watching to derive any sort of meaning from it, so the narration helps them wrap it up into one neat little package (with giant red bow!). It's the lazy man's insight.

Speaking of movies, I actually had a pretty productive weekend with them. Since my movie review site went quietly into the night, I'll do a brief rundown of what I saw:

Dan in Real Life (good, but not great)
Elizabeth: The Golden Age (Cate rules, pretty too look at [cinematography, costumes], but not very good)
In the Valley of Elah (like watching paint dry for most of it, but an interesting ending)
Gone Baby Gone (surprisingly good!)
Enchanted (made for kids and Poenelope)
Hairspray (seen it before, but had to end the weekend right. Damn, I love this movie)

All in all a pretty good and busy Thanksgiving.

Note: I also went to Black Friday and am so making poached eggs next weekend.

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